Workplace Wellness offers a distinctive, cost-effective approach to evaluating your employees' physical well-being. It assesses factors such as muscle and joint health, workplace-related stress, and the emotional state of your workforce.
This assessment not only empowers employees to accurately identify physical issues but, more importantly, provides guidance on how to address habits and ergonomic factors contributing to these problems.
This unique assessment establishes a connection between physical symptoms and the mechanical aspects that exacerbate or cause them.
It contributes significantly to enhancing the overall health of your business, delivering numerous benefits for your organization such as: Identifying injury patterns, their locations, and severity.
Understanding the ergonomic and behavioral causes of issues.
Increasing productivity and morale.
Reducing absenteeism and litigation.
Enhancing staff retention rates.
The assessment analyzes more than 350 areas related to pain, stress, and mood.
On average, the analysis takes less than 15 minutes to complete, generating an online diary with informative and diagnostic observations.
The diaries allow employees to update their symptoms and progress.
The final report can be easily shared by the employee with their employer, GP, or specialist, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.
You will have a dashboard that provides real-time statistics and insights, keeping you informed and pro-active in improving employee health.
Workplace Wellness is praised as a comprehensive and invaluable resource, as highlighted by Trevor Neal, Chairman of the RSI Association UK.
Imagine having "snapshots" of your employees' physical condition and work relationships, allowing you to identify and support those experiencing symptoms that may hinder productivity. The reports offer practical solutions, correlating areas of pain with muscle functions and providing ergonomic recommendations, posture guidance, and possible therapy options.
Workplace Wellness offers a more in-depth and tailored approach to ergonomics assessment, avoiding the disruption and overly generalised recommendations often associated with traditional onsite assessments.
"I found that this program did wonders for my workforce. An insightful and detailed employee health assessment has finally been created. Workplace Wellness is the way of the future," attests CEO Europe, Fraser Thorne, of Edison Investment Research.
Your dashboard features metrics and drilldowns, enabling you to monitor and quantify specific symptom patterns.
You can access individual employee reports and gather valuable statistics such as the number of participants, individuals with moderate to severe issues in various areas, and their effect on productivity and mood.
Furthermore, you can drill down into specific anatomical regions to understand the prevalence of pain in more detail.
By closely monitoring and enhancing your employees' health, you will ultimately boost productivity and strengthen your organization's structure.
How many employees do you have? Use the slider calculator below to find out the cost of ill-health to your organisation.
of your colleagues are struggling with some form
of physical or mental health issue.
workdays lost per year due to physical and mental
is the average annual cost to you of ill health in
your workplace.
Cost per year of a Workplace Wellness account
Business size
Cost per year no discount
Cost per year 6 month discount
Cost per year 1 year discount
Small (up to 80 employees)
Medium (up to 200 employees)
Large (up to 1000 employees)
Cost per employee of a Workplace Wellness account
Business size
Cost per employee no discount
Cost per employee 6 month discount
Cost per employee 1 year discount
Small (up to 80 employees)
£2.00 per month
£1.90 per month
£1.80 per month
Medium (up to 200 employees)
£1.87 per month
£1.78 per month
£1.68 per month
Large (up to 1000 employees)
£1.17 per month
£0.80 per month
£0.76 per month
Protecting Home Workers
When it comes to employees working from home, whether it's a permanent or temporary arrangement, employers should consider the following: Communication: Establish effective means of staying in touch with remote workers. Work Activities: Define the nature and duration of their tasks. Safety: Ensure that their work can be performed safely. Control Measures: Implement necessary safety measures to protect remote workers. Lone Work and Supervision: Lone workers face increased risks, especially when working without direct supervision or immediate assistance in case of emergencies. It is crucial to: Maintain regular contact with lone workers, including those working from home, to ensure their well-being and safety. Inadequate contact can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection, impacting stress levels and mental health.
Regularly assess DSE arrangements. This practical workstation checklist can assist in this process. Download: Display Screen Equipment: Risks at Home (Risk factors DSE)
For individuals engaged in long-term home-based work involving display screen equipment (DSE), risk management is essential. This includes conducting workstation assessments at home. This can be acheived by signing up for an
Ergonomics assessment where images and movies can be uploaded and expertly assessed.
Some steps to mitigate DSE risks include:
Taking regular breaks (at least 5 minutes every hour) or changing activities to reduce prolonged DSE exposure.
Avoiding fixed, uncomfortable postures by regularly changing positions.
Incorporating physical movement and stretching exercises.
Preventing eye fatigue by adjusting focus and blinking periodically.
Employers should meet specific DSE equipment requirements when feasible.
In 2021/22, an estimated 1.8 million workers in Great Britain were suffering from an
illness which they believed was caused or made worse by work (either new or longstanding), equivalent to a rate of 5,390 per 100,000 workers (5.4%).
Musculoskeletal disorders accounted for around a quarter of all cases of self-reported work-related ill health in Great Britain in 2021/22.
Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for around a half of all cases of self-reported work-related ill health in Great Britain in 2021/22.
How much can using Workplace wellness reduce your absenteeism?
That depends on your awareness and readiness to resolve issues where possible.
A reasonable estimate would be a 50% reduction.
A hidden factor will be an increase in productivity due to better fitness and morale. This will boost your profitability and ability to attract new staff.
Managing Extended Home Work Periods
As temporary home-based work extends, employers should engage in regular discussions with employees.
Consider additional measures when workers report:
Discomfort related to temporary DSE setups.
Adverse effects of working in isolation with remote IT systems.
Prolonged working hours without sufficient rest and recovery breaks.
For permanent work-from-home arrangements, explain how to conduct comprehensive workstation assessments and provide suitable equipment and guidance on safety measures.
Stress and Mental Health
Home-based work can lead to work-related stress and negatively impact mental health. Isolation from managers and colleagues may hinder access to necessary support. Stay Connected:
Implement procedures to maintain direct contact with remote workers to detect early signs of stress. Emergency Contact:
Provide an emergency point of contact and ensure employees know how to seek help when needed.
This service not only serves as an attractive feature for recruiting new talent but can also lead to reduced insurance rates in the medium term, owing to fewer injury claims. Additionally, it demonstrates due diligence, strengthening your legal position in potential future litigation related to work-related injuries.
"If one individual employee has a problem, the issues relating to that individual may also apply to other employees."
When you sign up for any type of account: Small, Medium
or Large, you will get access to your Dashboard with Metrics and Drill down
to monitor specific symptom patterns across your entire workforce.
Payment options: All accounts are payable monthly.
A one year commitment gives you a 10% discount, a six month commitment gives
you a 5% discount. Just follow the sign up process.
If your business has more than 1000 employees, please
enquire about prices, thank you.