Gait Pain Mapper video analysis and Diary defines 64 specific areas of the most common lower limb pain patterns.

For a one off fee of £140 per you will be able to specifically define your pain areas and get an expert assessment of your running style and you also get to keep an accurate diary of your individual symptom areas progress.

What is the Running Gait Pain Mapper Analysis process?

1. You create your account.
2. You fill in the pain mapper questionnaire.
3. You pay your fee of £140.
4. You film your 20 second run after you have read the simple but precise filming instructions.
5. You upload your videos using our upload service 6. Your video is then analysed and a report consisting of your video as reference plus screenshots with the lines of distortion of your gait are illustrated along with useful comments and observations about your running patterns.
7. Your report (usually takes 2 to 3 days to produce) is placed online protected by your ID for you to log in and see and also to update your Running Gait Diary.
Create a username

Your first name

Your last name

Create a password

Your email address (this will not be used for 3rd party advertising)

Paul Manley Clinic
 Phone or text us on 07925 616 753