The Pain Mapper Suite


Have you ever had a pain in your leg and wanted to know where it was coming from and what might be causing it?

Do you want to know more but cannot get a clear enough understanding of why you have a pain?.... Knowledge is power.

Leg Pain Mapper and Diary defines 52 specific areas of the most common lower limb pain patterns.

For £4.99 per month you can keep an accurate diary of your individual symptoms progress.

Leg Pain Mapper and Diary provides a unique diary layout which displays the areas of pain, which muscles are affected and why, their severity over time and the results of what you have done to help yourself.

The simplified diary layout will tell you much more of what you need to know about your particular pain over time.

The creator of Leg Pain Mapper and Diary is Paul Manley, a clinician of 40 years experience in observing and treating 1000's of people from all over the world in his Central London Clinic. He looked at what apps were available and what they offered and saw what was missing.

"Forty years of clinical work has taught me how patients express their pain and what the most common pain patterns are. My app does not purport to cover all known leg problems, just the most common ones. Too many 'pain diary apps' are deficient on many levels. Leg Pain Mapper and Diary fills the gaps that other apps leave blank. Simple, visual and informative. Leg Pain Mapper and Diary is unique. I hope you find it useful."

Paul Manley, Clinician and App designer.

Common leg pain areas.

Upper fibres of Rectus Femoris. Tension comes from habitually crossing the leg. Also from holding the leg straight out in front of you like some Yoga poses require.
Groin pain can be from mild to severe hernia. Friction from overuse of the Psoas muscle. Sitting too low in the sofa. Repeated lifting of the leg at the hip. prolonged holding of leg outstretched.
Adductor muscles. Tension from holding legs together or squeezing them together repeatedly as some gym equipment requires.
Middle of Rectus Femoris. Pain can be from compression of nerve at L2, L3 also as the nerve passes through Tensor Fascia Latea (IT Band, TFL). Over exercise will make this muscle very stiff.
Ilio-tibial band (IT Band or TFL). Pain from walking and stamping. Usually with a very tense Tensor Fascia Latae. Leg tracking with tendency to knock-knees and flat foot on same side.
More info: Attachment of Quadriceps to top of kneecap. Pain can be from knee swelling. Kneeling without kneepads can cause this. Weakness of Rectus Femoris plus shortening of the sub-patellar tendon.
Medial knee joint. Swelling and displaced cartilage can cause pain here. Hyper extension (straightening) of the knee puts too much backwards pressure through the joint.
Medial ligaments of the knee. Pain from Osteo-arthritic changes in the knee. Hyper extension of the leg to be avoided.
Lateral ligaments of knee joint. Upper head of Fibula is weight bearing in Knock-Knee standing and walking. IT Band too tight.,
Anterior Peroneal muscles. These muscles lift the foot and flare the toes. Stamping when walking will tense them. Shin splints is a common title for it. Common in dancers, foot tappers, car pedals in heavy traffic will tense it up.
Medial calf muscles. Pain from general calf tension. Pressing the foot down for prolonged periods. Holding foot on the toes when there is no footrest for shorter people.
Ankle joint. Forward displacement of Talus bone. Tight shoes pressing on this when walking. Post sprain and fracture syndrome. Repeated tapping of foot. Pain here from tendon compression and overuse. Faulty ankle alignment and old sprains.
Tendons of toes. Sudden arch collapse. Tight shoes. Hammer toe. Metatarsalgia.
Bunion of big toe. Osteo-arthritic changes. Shoes compressing the joint when bending the foot. Toenails kept too long causing joint compression.
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) is too tense. Aggravating and caused by moving the leg out to the side too strenuously. Stamping when walking. Spine may be tilted to the opposite side in the lumbar spine. Can compress the Femoral nerve supply to the thigh causing neuralgia and numbness/pins and needles.
Gluteus Medius and Minimus. Also Piriformis. These muscles will tense up when there is a sacro-iliac strain on the same side. Sciatica produces spasm here. Tendency to lean onto that side when seated.
Piriformis and the deep hip rotator muscles. Pain from the lower sacro-iliac joint and coccyx will spread here. Sciatica nerve irritation from compression by Piriformis.
Hamstrings are usually too short, stretch them regularly. Pain caused by Sciatica from low back disc bulges and ruptures. This pain can be severely debilitating. Most often reversible in time.
Tension in calf muscles. Sciatica can cause pain here. Stretch the calf muscles and massage. Standing on tip-toes causes great tension here.
Tendons in the ankle which make the outside of the foot press down. The area can swell if inflammed. Dropped arch puts pressure through this area. Look at shoes for heel stability.
Heal pain can come from direct pressure and sometimes from Sciatica. The interior of Shoes can gradually descend beneath the heel, the sides and the rear and can put direct pressure along with minor bumps in the shoe heel section.
Mortons metatarsalgia and neuroma. Both conditions can result from a dropped metatarsal arch, hard shoes, too much bending of the foot with pressure on the underside of the toes.
Heel spurs can occur when calcium deposits build up on the underside of the heel bone (Calcaneus), a process that usually occurs over a period of many months. They are often caused by strains on foot muscles and ligaments, over-stretching of the plantar fascia.
Plantar fasciitis. If you have structural foot problems, such as very high arches or very flat feet you may develop plantar fasciitis. Tight Achilles tendons which are the tendons attaching your calf muscles to your heels, may also result in plantar fascia pain. Wearing shoes with soft soles and poor arch support can also result in plantar fasciitis.

Leg Pain Mapper and Diary and its associated resources will educate you and you can then educate you.

Your Leg Pain Mapper and Diary includes information specific to your pain areas.
It will tell you if you are performing particular physical actions which will cause and or aggravate your pain.
You will learn how to avoid aggravations and how to help your symptoms to get better.
It will also pinpoint pain syndromes which may need further investigation.

You can update your diary with details of your symptoms:
  1. Areas of pain
  2. Severity of pain
  3. Information about your pain areas
  4. Treatment success or failure
  5. Medication success or failure
  6. Exercise success or failure
  7. Self-help success or failure
  8. Activities success or failure

All of which can be assessed and advised upon using this unique and highly informative Leg Pain Mapping process.

Paul Manley Clinic
 Phone or text us on 07925 616 753